to your secret message

Create a link to your message that works only once.

Valid for Random Characters 0/80

Your browser uses secure encryption.

! Your browser can't use secure encryption. Your message will be encrypted using the server.


The message is too long.


Failed to copy.

NOTE: this message can be displayed only once.

Valid for
This message will be removed if it isn't read until .


This message won't be displayed again. The message has been removed, or wrong URL.
Copy it before closing this page, as necessary.


This message can no longer be viewed, but the server failed to securely remove the encrypted message from its storage. The server will try to remove it again within an hour.

Why is this secure? Your message is encrypted by your browser before it's sent to our server. We can't decrypt it because we don't have the key for decryption. The key is in the part that follows '#' of the generated URL, which is not sent to the server.
Once the message is read, it is completely removed from the server. If you know your recipient has read it, you know no one else has.

To send a long message or a file, we recommended our another service Lockr.